The History of Education in the US | Part 5 | Margaret Bancroft

Today, all public schools are required to offer educational opportunities to students, regardless of physical or mental disability. Unfortunately, before Margaret Bancroft (1854-1912), there were few educational opportunities for students with disabilities. Margaret Bancroft was the first pioneer to develop educational programs that catered to students' specific needs.

At 29 years old, Margaret Bancroft opened The Haddonfield School for the Mentally Deficient and Peculiarly Backward, later re-named The Bancroft Training School in 1904. The Bancroft School's program provided educational instruction based on the student's mental age. Instructors were trained to customize lessons to fit individual students' needs, a groundbreaking concept at the time. Thanks to Margaret Bancroft's work, all United States students have access to individualized learning.


National University


The History of Education in the US | Part 7 | John Dewey


The History of Education in the US | Part 4 | Jean Piaget