Certified Dyslexia Practitioner
Let us help you meet state requirements and student needs!
In Ohio, all schools serving K-3rd grade are required to meet a variety of new requirements in the 2023-2034 school year. This includes having a certified team member with expertise in the identification, intervention, and remediation of Dyslexia. In collaboration with school leadership, we will create a Structured Literacy Plan that includes all required components and provides targeted support to students.
TES Provides
Screening and Progress Monitoring Tools
Methods for Tier 1, 2, & 3 Intervention
Professional Development for K-3 Teachers and Interventionists
Compliance Reporting
Family Communication Support
Certified Dyslexia Practitioner Services - Tier 1 - $1,000/month
Serve as Certified Member on the school Dyslexia Team
Meet with MTSS team 4-6 times/ year to review Tier 1 and Tier 2 Dyslexia screener results and determine next steps
Audit compliance of new state requirements **
*Tier 1 services assume the school has a Structured Literacy Plan that addresses all other state requirements.
Certified Dyslexia Practitioner Services - Tier 2 - $1,500/month
All items included in tier 1 plus:
Collaborate with school leadership to create a Structured Literacy Plan that meets the state requirements, including:
Support to procure Universal Screener
Support to procure an Intervention Screener
Support to establish an onsite Dyslexia team with timeline and procedures
Support to establish a plan for state-required professional development
Support to establish a plan for the state-required structured literacy certification process
Assist with parent communication
Certified Dyslexia Practitioner Services - Tier 3 - $2,000/month
All items included in tiers 1 & 2 plus:
Conduct a context-specific needs assessment and teacher skill diagnostic on Structured Literacy approach Design and execute a minimum of 2 targeted professional learning experiences based on results of needs assessment and skill diagnostic
Teacher-specific coaching/ PD Provide site-specific guidance on alignment of Tier 1 and 2 screeners/ interventions/ progress monitoring.
Let Grants Pay For Your TES Services!
Dyslexia services are reimbursable through a variety of grants, including:
Title I
Title II
Title IV